Our Focus

We are focused on consumer based wellness.

Americans are living longer but not healthier. 28 million of us have diabetes. Another 80 million of us are pre-diabetic. 1/3 of American adults have high blood pressure. 22% of us have arthritis. 1/3 of us will get cancer. Meanwhile: 21% of us still smoke, 2/3 of us are overweight and a quarter of us get no exercise. All of this is compounded by the fact that we are aging: 13% are over 65 today growing to 19% in the next 20 years.

Americans spend over $2 trillion on medical solutions for treating chronic disease, but remarkably little is spent on consumer solutions for preventing those diseases. This is where we are foucsed.

We believe

Based on demographic trends, the market for consumer-based wellness solutions is at a growth inflection point. 
The current array of consumer products and services in the wellness sector is not especially engaging or effective.
There are many smaller companies in the wellness sector that offer innovative products or services but lack scale. 
Significant consumer and financial value can be created by providing management support and growth capital to emerging wellness companies.